I have yet to figure out why I am here....the Japanese are also confused. Keep Your Socks Clean: July 2006

Saturday, July 22, 2006

A small tribute is the best I can do.

This doesn't have anything to do with Japan. Sorry to stray away from topic. But this is something that kinda hit close to home for me and I felt like expressing my opinion on the matter in some way. Unfortunately, my writing is the only way I'm good at expressing myself.

This post deals with the apartment explosions that happened a few days ago in a small Texas town. The media has tried to portray the persons involved as potential terrorist, anarchist, and disturbed individuals. Hear, for a change, the opinions of someone a little more experienced to judge one of these individuals than the reporters trying to grope for a story.

I'm speaking as someone that has known Matt since 2nd grade and had classes with him for 2-3 hours per day all throughout highschool. He was a quiet but smart kid, even if some thought not because he never really applied himself to things that did not interest him at school.

When he found something he liked, he would dedicate himself to it with a true passion. I've witnessed him go from sluggish and uninterested to excited and intense when he touched upon a subject he loved... and no one could hold back his personal genius from touching the topic. He wasn't very interested in passive things that he did not see a significant result with, and always was one to explore the things for himself instead of just listening to what it would do.

He had a special interest in explosives and firearms, as many guys do at the age. The only thing is he was a little more active in his interest. I have no doubt he enjoyed just seeing what he could accomplish with them and knowing that he had the knowledge and ability for them. If it wasn't for this accident, I bet he could have truly been a great pyrotechnician someday or something of the sorts.

I'm not condoning what Matt did, but I just want to clear up any question on his intent. Matt was not a violent person and there really isn't a doubt in my mind that he did not mean any harm to anybody or anything. I'm sure the most he would have done with any of his materials was take them out to some pasture or somewhere and see what he could do with them. They where basically his toys, though dangerous as they were. He had no more intent with his actions then someone with a bottlerocket aimed at an object in a junk heap.

Matt was a good kid, though a bit misguided at times and had made a few wrong decisions. I find it important to see humor in life and death, and I must say the one thing about all this that'll stick in my mind, as well as my friends, is that when we first heard the report about what happened, all we could think of is "Damn, that sounds just like something Matt would do."

Rest in Peace, Matt. The one true regret I have about this is that I can't tell you of all the stir you made after the fact... with the FBI, news reporters, bomb squads blowing up the apartment complex, helicopters going crazy, all this fuss over actions that you know to be innocent of malice . You would have truly loved it, and thought it an extremely befitting end.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Top 10 most important things I've learned about Japan so far.

10) Fig leaves, and only fig leaves, are appropriate attire for males. (Yatta!)

9) Yakuza are nice if they are letting you catch their gold fish.

8) Foreigners stink.

7) They have the most advanced toilets in the world but yet every gaijin ends up getting stuck with one of the "squatters" (And doing something horribly wrong).

6) Unfortunately... Ninja and Samurai really don't walk the streets. But 9 times out of 10 I'de be asked if I know any cowboys since I'm from Texas.

5) Its ok to maim people in off-the-wall game shows because, hey...its just TV right?

4) If a Japanese person refuses to tell you what is in the food you are eating... don't pry the matter.

3) Japanese people like to make themselves suffer for the purpose of feeling stronger then other people that don't suffer. 15 hour work shift anybody?

2) Trains and busses have scents in them that drive Japanese men to grope anybody of the female gender in the area.

1) Japan is seriously screwed up.

Fig Leaves? Video hosted by Google and picture from Yatta DVD cover.

Friday, July 07, 2006

The idiocy of politics

I'm not a political person. I'll try not to bring it up much either as I feel it might distance some readers away from this editorial. But some things just blow my mind. Here is a little more on the missile launch situation between Japan and North Korea.

"Japan is translating its criticism against us into action," Song (North Korean leader) told a group of Japanese reporters in the North Korean capital on Friday. "This may force us to take stronger physical actions."
Source: Mainichi News

Why....in the world... do you bitch and moan when a country imposes economic sanctions against you when you launch missiles in their direction; consequently breaking your previous treaties, and disturbing world-wide politics? Simply put, you tick someone off a whole lot, don't expect them to be your best friend. North Korea is now in the stages of threatening Japan "physically" (which in my interpretations means possibility of war) over the repercussions of their own actions.

Japan has halted ferry transport from Korea to Japan, and is currently in discussions to decide how many economic restrictions they will now place on North Korea until an agreement is made on the missile launch situation. The problem with this is that North Korea is not fairing so well economically at the current time. These restrictions might keep many innocent people from being fed and receiving the support they need to live. But Japan's reasonings behind this seem to be...why feed and support the people quickly showing themselves as your enemy?

Maybe if North Korea quit funding extensive military upgrades and took care of their own first, they wouldn't be so bad off?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Isn't it Ironic...

So yesterday Japan had a little scare. Against all protest and request from Japan, U.S.A., and the United Nations, North Korea decided to test launch a bunch of missiles by firing them towards Japan where they landed in the Sea of Japan.

With North Korea's up and coming nuclear program, and the fact that some of these missiles are of the new type that can even reach the Americas, this has become a major international issue. North Korea reporters even announced that if any actions where taken against them by the United States, that they would bring an "annhilating nuclear" attack against them.

In my mind, any military action that Japan takes against these missiles or against North Korea because of this matter will also be seen as an action from the United States... as the two countries' militaries are highly integrated (if you can count Japan's Special Defense Force as a military at all). That, and North Korea would love any excuse to gripe out the states.

Why is North Korea doing this? Frankly I think they are just pumping their ego. North Korea has been giving Japan political hell endlessly lately, as well as China. Coming to mind are the island territories that are being fought over between Japan and Korea, and Japan and China. The name of the game now is political power and with the ever increasing economies of China and the Koreas' as well as Japan still hanging in an economic slump, they are making their moves now.

And, in my opinion, I think there is a jealousy factor towards Japan making these other guys act like complete jerks. I have yet to find citable proof of this though, so for now just call it a hunh, k?

After watching these matters play out over the last couple months, and with hearing how North Korea is willing to take up Nuclear War... one question alone stays on my mind.

If North Korea took nuclear action against Japan, should I worry about them sticking it to Osaka as a major economic center (and where I'll be staying) or should I hope they go for the whole irony effect and place my bets on them hitting Hiroshima again.

Picture from Mainichi News: Outdoor TV alerts Japan of missile launches.

Need a little testing

Still working on bits of the page. If you see abnormal text layout on the page and all, do me a favor and tell me your screen resolution and how its messing up. Thanks~

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I wonder who exactly is in over their head.

They really don't know what they have done to themselves here have they? This is it though, official acceptance to Kwansei Gakuin Daigaku in Osaka. I'll be leaving in early September for the trip and this editorial shall greatly expand at that point. Up until that point I'll post a few thoughts on the most important things I've learned before going to Japan.

In other words though.... it begins!