I have yet to figure out why I am here....the Japanese are also confused. Keep Your Socks Clean: A small tribute is the best I can do.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

A small tribute is the best I can do.

This doesn't have anything to do with Japan. Sorry to stray away from topic. But this is something that kinda hit close to home for me and I felt like expressing my opinion on the matter in some way. Unfortunately, my writing is the only way I'm good at expressing myself.

This post deals with the apartment explosions that happened a few days ago in a small Texas town. The media has tried to portray the persons involved as potential terrorist, anarchist, and disturbed individuals. Hear, for a change, the opinions of someone a little more experienced to judge one of these individuals than the reporters trying to grope for a story.

I'm speaking as someone that has known Matt since 2nd grade and had classes with him for 2-3 hours per day all throughout highschool. He was a quiet but smart kid, even if some thought not because he never really applied himself to things that did not interest him at school.

When he found something he liked, he would dedicate himself to it with a true passion. I've witnessed him go from sluggish and uninterested to excited and intense when he touched upon a subject he loved... and no one could hold back his personal genius from touching the topic. He wasn't very interested in passive things that he did not see a significant result with, and always was one to explore the things for himself instead of just listening to what it would do.

He had a special interest in explosives and firearms, as many guys do at the age. The only thing is he was a little more active in his interest. I have no doubt he enjoyed just seeing what he could accomplish with them and knowing that he had the knowledge and ability for them. If it wasn't for this accident, I bet he could have truly been a great pyrotechnician someday or something of the sorts.

I'm not condoning what Matt did, but I just want to clear up any question on his intent. Matt was not a violent person and there really isn't a doubt in my mind that he did not mean any harm to anybody or anything. I'm sure the most he would have done with any of his materials was take them out to some pasture or somewhere and see what he could do with them. They where basically his toys, though dangerous as they were. He had no more intent with his actions then someone with a bottlerocket aimed at an object in a junk heap.

Matt was a good kid, though a bit misguided at times and had made a few wrong decisions. I find it important to see humor in life and death, and I must say the one thing about all this that'll stick in my mind, as well as my friends, is that when we first heard the report about what happened, all we could think of is "Damn, that sounds just like something Matt would do."

Rest in Peace, Matt. The one true regret I have about this is that I can't tell you of all the stir you made after the fact... with the FBI, news reporters, bomb squads blowing up the apartment complex, helicopters going crazy, all this fuss over actions that you know to be innocent of malice . You would have truly loved it, and thought it an extremely befitting end.


Blogger Aulelia said...

woah, thats deep...it must be hard for you to read about him dying like that especially because it was so horrific.

7:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Normal" people don't make homemade bombs and set them off for "fun". Your friend was doing something he knew was dangerous and illegal and got what he deserved.

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its easy for you to say that when you didnt even know him. I guaranty he was a lot better person and a lot smarter than you will ever be. If "normal" people never mess with exsposives then why are there firecrackers? I hope you get what you deserve for talking bad on someone who died innocenty as the result of a horrible accident.

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i miss my cousin
R.I.P. Matt Rugo
and as for that anonyoumous person
i got a little story for you
"i have watched the news for 14 years and i have never felt sorry for anyone who died in an explosion or got ran over crossing the street."
"normal" people make mistakes to im sure you have made on before."

oh and one more thing
if ur mom died in an explosion tommorow all i would have to say is
"haha pay back's a bitch"

My name is Tyler Lee and i say fuck all the people who say this is a terrorist act
its a horrible mistake

3:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my name is curtis lee jetton and i am the other person that was in the apartment i am now 22 years old and am awaiting sentincing for the charge of aiding and abeting the manufacture of explosives and i must say that to tyler lee i am sorry that i was not strong enough to get him to stop what he was doing as much as i tried the day that explosion happened i would also like to say that i am glad to see that there r people who do not think bad of matt and look at the good in him and yes we were both very misguided people me and matt but the fact remains that he has died and for some reason that only god could know i am still alive........... but i still can not help but wish that it had been me that died instead of him he was my best freind and i will never forget him i have called his mother belinda several times and still do not know if i can ever be forgiven all i can do is try to live my life the best i can and also live for matt the best that i can so for tyler lee we cannot think of him as gone only on vacation because i beleive that earth is hell and you have to go thruogh hell to get to hevan my e-mail adress is curtisjetton@yahoo.com

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today I pay tribute to such a great friend, Matt Rugo on the anniversary of his death. He had many friends and to know him since I was little was awesome. I'm bugged to read such an nasty comment from an anonymous person on here because Matt wasn't a horrible person and no one deserves that.

2:54 PM  
Blogger Mr. B's Son said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

2:03 PM  
Blogger Mr. B's Son said...

Rest In Peace Matt.......I miss you man, and I'll never forget you. Who deserves to die, no matter what the situation is. Matt wasn't a sick or twisted person, just a kid who couldn't grip life. He wouldn't hurt a soul. Your talking to someone who had been with Rugo 24/7 at times, and we were never destructive, or spiteful to human life. Are you Jesus Step Son???? So back off man and really ask yourself who are you to fucking say who deserves what.

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:40 PM  

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