Isn't it Ironic...
With North Korea's up and coming nuclear program, and the fact that some of these missiles are of the new type that can even reach the Americas, this has become a major international issue. North Korea reporters even announced that if any actions where taken against them by the United States, that they would bring an "annhilating nuclear" attack against them.
In my mind, any military action that Japan takes against these missiles or against North Korea because of this matter will also be seen as an action from the United States... as the two countries' militaries are highly integrated (if you can count Japan's Special Defense Force as a military at all). That, and North Korea would love any excuse to gripe out the states.
Why is North Korea doing this? Frankly I think they are just pumping their ego. North Korea has been giving Japan political hell endlessly lately, as well as China. Coming to mind are the island territories that are being fought over between Japan and Korea, and Japan and China. The name of the game now is political power and with the ever increasing economies of China and the Koreas' as well as Japan still hanging in an economic slump, they are making their moves now.
And, in my opinion, I think there is a jealousy factor towards Japan making these other guys act like complete jerks. I have yet to find citable proof of this though, so for now just call it a hunh, k?
After watching these matters play out over the last couple months, and with hearing how North Korea is willing to take up Nuclear War... one question alone stays on my mind.
If North Korea took nuclear action against Japan, should I worry about them sticking it to Osaka as a major economic center (and where I'll be staying) or should I hope they go for the whole irony effect and place my bets on them hitting Hiroshima again.

Picture from Mainichi News: Outdoor TV alerts Japan of missile launches.
Missles are bad
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